What does this sound mean
how many times have you read Brothers Karamazov?
Will I be able to survive law school
Valentine’s Day Haul!
Vibrator reccomendations?
Based on your MBTI, what is your favorite book?
Need help
What is morally evil to you?
What are signs someone needs therapy?
Dear INFJs, can you behave as extroverts?
Who is the best INTJ Star Wars character?
What's your attachment style?
Tracking my moods throught TMS treatment
Bad breath/body odór
Advice: Trying to safely get this baby into my home
My chicken has emotional trauma, how can I help him to like being pet/preened?
Being jewish and autistic
Type me based off of my music taste :)
What is your type and what would you say if you forced to talk on a stage with thousands of people watching?
Keys MUST be pulled out!
what is this? i've never heard her do this before (more info in post)
would i be able to understand crime and punishment at 14
payed $430 for the vet to tell me he’s fat. Roast him.
📣 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT 📣 HeiHei’s crest forms one singular antenna after bathtime❕