"That's an awfully hot coffee pot"... and other eminem lines I yell out randomly because I have a problem:
Speak the language of love & music — French and guitar lessons here.
You ever ate Cap'n Crunch and proceeded to pour water in it?
Whenever I’m arguing about how Eminem is the goat, they always come back with “he hasn’t released a good album since like xxxx” how do I counter this?
Celestial Scars
For Molly
Simply Be
What is kendrick's best quote?
What’s that one song that goes like
What’s everyone’s favorite Kendrick verse?
A computer must be in my jeans.
Someone at work just said “you know that song abracadabra by Eminem?”
The question, "What would you advice your younger self?"
Living Within My Means, Zero Shame Attached
Over the next 90 minutes I like to show you that your problems can be solved by my penis
Her: What's your bodycount? Me: We can go body for body I'll hand you a body I'm probably a better masseuse
Manifest Destiny
Music, please ☝
You claim if you get knocked by the cops you'll give 'em not even a statement. Walk in the arraignment shoot the bailiff, karate kick the plaintiff ...
the greatest plot twist of all time
3d Peter lookin kinda yucky
Peekaboo, let me FaceTime my opp, bitch, I'm up the street... lol!
Don’t skip the small talk
what eminem song do you HATE
What are some of the most romantic lyrics Eminem has ever written? Here's my pick: