I dont know why
How dangerous is 700 milligrams?
What makes you go from zero to hundred real quick?
I love this song
Man kicks flagged rigged with landmine
Dog bite reporter on live tv as she was trying to show viewers how cute he is and explaining the misconception about the breed
JFC the fundamentalist beard, the US flag with the punisher logo, and a Double Tap sticker …this cop is psycho I guarantee it.
Double BJs for life
Abandoned underground lab in China
Another american cultural victory
This is a Giant Gourami. He needs our help.
I feel sad for this lonely guy I pass by every day. What kind of fish is he? And what does he need to thrive?
Do I look like Tay-K?
Armadillo Milk
Cool Chick Club- Calling the wrong daddy.
This is disgusting
Para cresyl methyl ether.
Not even married yet and this lady thinks I'm getting divorced @LuisLopezcomedy anywhere
So many awful things said to me, yet I still do it all for her.
The Australian Bee has a unique type of Beehive
Fursuit bongrips
I killed a cockroach and a parasite came out
Signs of Strong Mindset
those damn emojis
So, apparently granddad had an... interesting career
A wise man indeed