What are your fav salty snacks?
Does anyone else take a tiny dose of beta blocker?
Doctors are a fucking joke
Help I can’t get into the game
Chat is this normal
Can people gift equus to friends
So bummed after Neurologist appointment
Treasure Island not working?
I have just been diagnosed with POTS 20 mins ago..
How do you deny seat to an elderly person?
How old are you?
Ideal shower situation
Human Washing Capsule Promises a 15-Minute Cleanse with Personalized Temperature Control
Grieving the life that could’ve been
Anyone still have one or both of your starter villagers? I’ve had Genji since day one
I beat up my villager and now I feel bad
Any villagers you can’t get through NMT?
I feel like a lot of us have a favorite “ugly” villager, So what is everybody’s?
Ivabradin for POTS
I did the NASA lean test and fainted
cant play videogame made me sad
What wrong diagnoses did you get until you got this diagnose?
"I am actually sick" breakdown
I can't never get rid of my starting villagers
What tests did you all go through for your diagnoses?
Can't reach BLUP 100?