What keeps you going?
I am bored of my music.
Disruptions in life suck
School and work demands that we give too much of our lifetime
I dream of getting a PhD alongside getting a good amount of money, but I have a MAJOR problem...
Programming in your free time
Life is a scam where we constantly have to give more than we get back
Do you guys ever take yourself out to dinner?
Do people actually like talking about school and work?
Why do I manually need to put data together to speak?
How do you motivate your self with tasks?
Why is working for 40 years normalised in society? I can't be the only one who thinks this is crazy.
Making the world small - my own Theory
Does anyone else get into the habit of staying up late and not being able to go to bed early?
Can't even text
People who refuse to put things in writing
How do you as an aspie view society at large?
Guys I I brushed my teeth for the first time in 2. Weeks 😁
I feel like my aspergers has allowed me to handle the post pandemic better!
How do you cope with change?
Resistance to Change
You know what’s something I think about sometimes when I remember middle school? The time I f***ed up because I accidentally said what I was thinking during a back and fourth with a teacher in front of why whole class
Can Aspies hold joy?
Why do people care so much about succes and status or a title?
Working memory improvement?