What is one show people swear is amazing, but you hate?
Who would you rather have as your boss: your current boss or Michael Scott?
The Worst Line In The Films, Book Ron Would Never!
What’s a food you’ll never eat again?
how do vanilla sex works? like howd you guys do it? what do you guys say to your partner for them to get turn on?
Who would win in a fight between Spiderman and Wolverine?
Would you like to see this suit?
If you could tell Steven Ogg (Trevor actor) one thing, what would it be?
RTX On/Off
Why is Batman wearing purple gloves?
Eating popcorn without the seasoning is terrible
I'll never understand the "hate" towards this game
What do you think is the reason Catalina has more screen time in SA as a side character than she does in 3 as the main antagonist?
Appreciation of Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley! He nailed it!
Why would Hilary Swank not want to be in Cobra Kai?
Will karate kid legends be the "creed" to karate kid?
Just started Rdr 2 any suggestions??
It doesnt matter if the human race ends, so long as nobody suffers.
Did anyone actually suspect Moody of anything when reading Goblet of Fire for the first time?
Wand weaponization
I think we should eat human meat.
Do you think HP will be relevant in 20 years?
Cedric Diggory embodies the phrase "young and beautiful" ❤️🔥 what'd you guys think of Robert's portrayal? His acting was the best compared to everyone else in GOF imo.
The book readers were right
Sometimes I fell we praise Richard Harris much and Michael Gambon not enough