Can't stop me
What’s a job that looks glamorous from the outside but is actually exhausting?
Fast learner
What’s a rule or law you secretly break that no one really enforces, and why do you think it’s okay?
No one would steal it.
What is your biggest pet peeve at work?
I've been disliked my entire life no matter where I go
What is your favourite series ?
What's a piece of 'useless' knowledge that you somehow remember perfectly?
What are signs that tell you someone is completely delusional?
What’s a terrifying fact about our world that most people don’t realize?
Recc for hard rock with SCREAMINGGGGH
They say free things often come at the greatest cost. What's the biggest price you've ever paid for something free?
Songs to listen to on the bus
Be honest Reddit. How often do you wash your bedding?