Hello, new to Reddit! Big PC guy!
Fingers crossed this doesn’t get lost in transit
It’s my time to leave :(
“We’re all looking for the guy who allowed this”
Tell me your GPU journey
What GPUs y'all have on your PC's
Tell me your favorite shape…
My reaction to successfully building my first pc
Scarlett 2i2 (3rd gen) issue with sound cutting out
Nebraska in a nutshell
What Mandela Effect do you swear by that it happened?
Leaving this subreddit soon
New pc (my dog died so this is the all I have)
Let's hear what I didn't do right...
Oklahoma City hood donk car
My Toyota V6
Chicago at night. Captured from Space Station. More details in comments.
Building a PC for someone
onions letus pickles mayo
Nebraska Medical Marijuana Laws Will Take Effect Thursday, Following Judge's Denial of Injunction
For me it’s 🏆🤩🤯🍇❤️🤨
all PC builds nowadays
An entitled passenger berates an employee
4th gen problems