Is it cheaper to buy frozen mice, or breed mice in the long run?
Some brown pelicans from this morning
Sleepy boy ❤️
[WIP] 46% complete 😁
How hard is it to breed snakes and make money?
Rainbow boa likes being upside down
Some timber rattlesnake snake closeups. Their eyes blend into their body incredibly well!
Had the chance to see this gorgeous leucistic American alligator
Green oropendola
Tundra Swans
10/10 camouflage. ivory magpie short tail
Pregnant or not?!?! HELP what do I do if she is!
Handsome little guy from the local zoo. Will be writing down species names next time I take pics :)
Could anyone help me tell if these two are just normal? One looks different
Can I dispute a charge for an animal that I received sick
Of the people who have tried to get their percentages up, how many have actually lost percentage or had to pay back money for a bad claim?
What is a “established and complete woman”?
Is this normal??? New ball python just finished eating and now doing this…🤔
Pic today from the zoo while i got some practice in with my new camera. Little guy posed perfectly!
How many snakes do you have?
A fun thing i started doing a few weeks ago. Started collecting naturally shed komodo dragon teeth to keep in a jar as a sort of time lapse of how long I've cared for them!
[WIP] 45% done!
tattoos in zookeeping
Went whale watching. Got pics of pelicans instead lol. I wasn't fast enough for the whale to get any fluke pics
Some more pics from today, but non domestic animals