Sadly, this has been "fixed" in Hitman 3 😔
Rule #1 - Never get out of your tank
When your buddy is trolling you with the jets and you need to knock him down a peg [BF3]
Thanks to modders, I finally got the Luke Skywalker campaign I've always wanted
Favorite way to eliminate Sierra
I love this is the way the game gets recommended on Steam.
Pretty sure this doesn't even count as a body found
All I did was look at him funny
how would YOU have mixed them up? after the initial upsmash, or during the upairs?
I'm thinking about getting hitman...
Any news on a new Hitman game?
I invented a new minigame - Stack Items on top of each other
I've seen a lot of posts complaining about ET restrictions on this sub, so here's a reminder that Peacock Project exists
Hitman maps based on how hard/annoying they are in freelancer
My gaming spreadsheet just hit 100 games played and ranked!
Am I right?
Keyboard and mouse or controller?
Rider distracted by phone crashes into a car
Hmmm yeah that makes sense
Would you want a new hitman game to be added onto World of Assassination or be its own thing?
If you have switched from Apple or stayed with Android, tell me why?
Merry frightening Christmas
Which game did you quit after many hours because it was too frustrating?
The better way to wash the car