How likely is a Christian (Girl or Guy) to save their virginity for marriage?
27M Kansas
COUPLES: What are the most important fundamentals in a healthy Christian marriage?
Trying to find a hairstyle that suits me well
Online course for learning afrikaans?
Bible study
Next events: Friday (18) and Saturday (19)
Girl Sex Talk💅
failed blowout sorta
How do I lead her in a relationship?
Being single wouldn’t kill you. Being married wouldn’t heal you. :)
Any South African Christians here?
How do you serve God on the day to day? I want to help!
23F California, USA
20 EST. Wanna Bible study together, ramble about life and/or play some games?
Virtual women’s bible study
Is It Wrong to Have a List of “Must-Haves” in a Partner
Latest portrait. Had fun playing with the colors and texture of her clothes
ITAP of a waterfall
These are the cutest little flowers!
Vegan Food at an Ethiopian Spot
Dating an unsaved
Dating someone with dentures?
What would your high standards list look like? No dealbreaker no negotiation no settling.
What should I do with my hair