Sign of the Times
I totally understand why he's not, but Civvie would be a GREAT movietuber
Question for those not attending 2nd hour of church
Is it normal to not want anything to do with the bishop?
Man shoots himself during podcast
So I got my girlfriend to play bloodborne and she got Cleric Beast
Santa Komi [By @datli64]
If you could meet any historical character, whom would you like to meet and what would you like to discuss with him/her?
Anyone else miss the Sausage stand?
I know Natalie doesn't owe anyone anything, but man I'm hurting for the de-radicalization movement that was so big in the late 2010's.
What exactly is the Young Men’s program right now?
Just voted for Harris today here in Florida !! We are going to make Florida blue again !! Who is with me ???!!!!
TIL that a student in Ukraine blew his own jaw off and died after mistakenly dipping his gum in explosive powder instead of citric acid flavoring.
Longshoremen get 61% Raise. We need get our stuff together.
Soft locked?
Silent killer
How are your American wards doing with the current political climate?
ELI5 If pain alerts us when something’s going wrong in our body, what’s the evolutionary purpose of itching?
The downfall of Hunt: Showdown /s
The news
Brisket grilled cheese [homemade]
currently all the "boomer shooters" I have
Help clearing a heavy duty jam
For Pride month