Would you vote for a candidate whose policies are all literally polar opposite of Trump?
Guys, what is the biggest lie you tell yourself, that you know is not true?
Tv shows that pull you in and leave you wanting more.
401k max first, then Roth IRA for early retirement?
What type of music brings you the most joy?
Is compound interest hindered by separation into two accounts?
At what age do permanent injuries start to appear?
What people get when they ask others to roast them on reddit?
You’ve heard of backhanded compliments, what are some backhanded insults, things that sound mean but are actually nice?
What's the most "wife-like" thing a wife could do?
Stopping 401k contribution for a few years
What would you need to be paid to shave your head?
What are your best dad jokes?
What is the easiest *a lot of money* you have made (do not consider inheritance)?
Which departments are liable when a company is under investigation for money laundering?
If you were a Billionare, which poor person food would you still eat?
What are tips and tricks you wish you knew when you first started going to the gym?
Trump supporters, why do you support Trump (asking as a non-American)?
Select your "power"
How to setup alerts?
Still lonely
What if Papa Doc went first?
IRA contribution deadline and timezones
Are the fires in California going to increase property values in other states?
If Biden vacated the presidency 24 hours prior to the inauguration, would history show Kamala as our 47th president and bump Trump to 48?