Taksojuht kinnitab, et Tallinna porduelu pole kuhugi kadunud: soov vallatleda kasvab palgapäevadel
Tundmatu Eesti pokkerimängija võitis mõnepäevase vahega 3,5 ja siis neli miljonit
At 7:42 Mat Edgar describes how Tony Hinchcliffe approached Ari Matti to become a regular. "I can make myself a star," Ari replied, lol.
Hitchhiking to Warsaw.
Ukrainian wartime humour
Humour at a time of war
Bolt Drive
Squad Builders help required
Help with Squad Bulders
Where am I supposed to get the FUT swaps for SBCs?
Kollaaž tulevastest Rail Balticu jaamadest Eestis ja Lätis
So I made a collage which shows how are stations in Latvia and Estonia going to look like. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any railway station projects in Lithuania
What's the correct reaction after accidentally spitting on someone mid-conversation?
Enne kui Baruto Keskerakonnaga liitus
Why the hell do "Free Kicks" go under the Passing stat?
The keyboard at my work has two little spacebars instead of one big
Lyrics to Estonian songs
Kertu Jukkum lõi meeskolleegi rõske meemi pärast näkku.
Olin poes ja väikse poisi ema karjus päris kõvasti oma lapse peale “PANE SEE SITT TAGASI” nii kõvasti et ma oleks peaaegu ise oma asjad tagasi pannud
Besides Messi, in which field can we currently see "The best of all time" at work?
Fellas I'm faced with a very big and hard decision rn
Subredditist r/historymemes
Are there any words in Estonian that are untranslatable?
Podcasts in Estonia