Advise on mid sector
2024 I will never forget you.
I have my hearing soon and I need an interpreter
Am I being sensitive?
Need help with my employer
Food for thought: your DA attachment may be a sign of neurodivergence
Landlord fabricated the energy label to justify higher rent
Rental price assessment for new contract
Landlord wants to install energy label after HC report
AIO My manager wants me to reintegrate to work when on sick leave and he is being persistent, but I don’t feel comfortable going back
This sub feels like a safe space and a warm hug
AITA for losing attraction to my partner?
How I feel about Anxious Preoccupied dynamic
Any immediate relief from severe health ocd?
Hiring manager told me he liked me & think I would be a good fit in the position during the interview over a week ago, and said I should hear back from them soon but he and the recruiter haven't responded to my emails yet. What does this mean?
Anyone from a homophobic country here? I’m from Morocco.
Manager called me at 5:30 pm after I called in sick
AITA for calling in sick after coworkers complained about me?
Fired 6 weeks into traineeship.
San Diego march for Palestine, Lebanon
Reality check for my rent
My partner is gaining weight and I am losing attraction
I dread my current job it’s making me miserable. What do I do?
I dread my current job, it’s making me miserable
Help me! Landlord illegally opened the door on us at 10 pm and threatened us and screamed at us