UPDATE: AITA for thinking that my girlfriend has a crush on my brother, and cancelling my weekend trip with her when she asked for him to come with us?
As a non westerner, I see terms like "People of Color" as pure defaultism. And I dont know no one else sees it that way
thoughts on Billie Eilish? (5'4")
In The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) they want us to believe that this is a teenager 🙄
Is it normal for a toothbrush to look like this after a month of use?
When you are too cowardly for female anthros
SC with blunt shoulders in denial?
Marine girl open your eyes
So playing worldneverland
JK Rowling style
A woman
Guess how many years have passed
Minerva's icons?
General Discussion Thread
[New Update]: Am I wrong for being upset my gf of 8 years now wants sex?
This New main menu is..... uh.... definitely interesting.
In "Grave of the Fireflies" (1988) a teenager and his 4 year old sister die of malnourishment. This happens because the United States had just invaded their country and they were not able to pull themselves up by their bootstrapts on time.
A world without zombies? Using the week one mod, is there a way to leave only NPCs forever without ever having zombies in the world?
Let’s take a moment to appreciate the variety and diversity of Paralives
I see anthropology and sociology is making some rounds on this sub…
Based on this cutscene can we say that canonically Elliot is buck teeth? 🤣
Good Netflix Movies 🍿 for Psych Majors? 🧠
Can anybody explain me this meme against Peterson? ( I have no clue about his political opinions )
Fernanda Torres is the first Brazilian to win the Golden Globes Award, for her role as Eunice Paiva in I'm Still Here. Her mother, Fernanda Montenegro, who also plays the character as an elder version, was the first Brazilian nominated to the GGs.
Demi Moore is a Golden Globe winner after 45 years of career