Went to get my new comics at the LCS and stumbled upon a personal “grail”.
How did I do?
United Healthcare calls a doctor during a surgery demanding to know if an overnight stay for that patient is necessary
This is my dad’s collection, over 8000 comic books, mostly X Men
Moonknight #1, 2014 Skottie Young Turkish variant.
The guy I was really into ghosted me. Jokes on him.. this is my coping skill. 😌
Came home from visiting family and had a package at the door.
Hit the final store on my list while holiday traveling this week.
Some of today’s treasure that I found while plundering
The benefits of having to travel to see family during the Holidays is new stores to check out.
Stopped by the used game shop again…
It was a Longshot..
Been commuting to work and passing up on what I thought was just a used video game store….
Latest mail call and LCS haul
Happy birthday to me!
Florida, you’ve failed me yet again
Huge day today for drug policy reform!
Latest mail cail
Highlights from the latest LCS haul
My wife told me to check the mail, and I wasn’t expecting this.
Some to add to the collection and some dollar bin grabs for my nephew’s bday
First ever, Mail Call!
Today’s picks from a new shop that just opened near me.
My first haul to start my son’s collection.
Got woken up, naked in my bed, by four police officers executing a search warrant for someone who hasn’t lived at my address in years.