Wicked Game
What is "soft logging" and is it a bad thing?
Look to your left, what's the first thing you could grab as a weapon in a zombie apocalypse?
Oblivion is one of the worst possible games to remaster (not remake)
I got my feelings hurt and it’s my fault
I've been playing for years i can finally rest
Survival Mode(Fallout 4)
People here will know exactly what this is
I can't open fallout 3 or new vegas, would anyone have any Idea why?
F*ck zodiac signs, which do you use?
What other possibilities exist for the Universe's demise besides "heat death"?
What's a sign that your friends don't really like you?
I there a new broken Steam Windows client? I was forcibly updated today and the damn things seems to be working much less well than in the past. Slowly. I hope this isn't another Sonos app debacle.
[Serious] If your mother nation was going through a war, and you had the ability to leave, would you? (Keep in mind all your extended family is there), And why?
What is the real purpose of life? Money, fame, true love or family?
Weird question, What Substances machine uses as well as humans?
If you had to explain humanity to aliens in 30 seconds, what would you say?
Show off your crude network hacks
Netgear? NEVER AGAIN!!!
Someone Asked a while back if there was anything you couldn't kill in fallout... the person mourning at the grave near greygarden. Even at level 29, post main quest. Been there since the beginning.
IP scanning apps recommendations?
Do you feel social media improved our social lives or hindered it? And why do you think so?
82 Bodies! Most I've seen in a single system
For other new Fleet Carrier Owners.....
Fine Help They Are...Does anyone know where I go to pay this? You'd think that it'd give a list of click through destinations on the details page...but..nope...