People with BPD are better at the "Reading the Mind in the Eyes" test
Ever seen pwBPD "get it"?
Has anyone here ever engaged in reactive abuse?
Just watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind for the first time
Is this real or is this a phase?
Why can't I follow my own advice and my screaming guts?
I've turned into a bad person.
Losing temper when you point out things they already know?
I know we are often painted as monsters, but what if some of it is true?
A post for people who view us as a "hate" community.
I would never lie, i hate liars
Why asking for reassurance makes them split
Use of Possessive Pronouns
Resources for learning about BPD terms
Does it make you feel better to know that they can’t help it?
Cheating and BPD
How do you guys think it would be a relationship between two people with bpd?
Changing me into someone I'm not
BPD in the prison population
False narrative and triangulation?
no, they won't change
It's like they're two different people and one of them died
They blocked me 2 months after breakup.
What does my art taste like?