When people say "You don't dislike X, you've just only had bad X"
"The Descent" audiobook in Europe--Nextory app
I lied to my dad about me writing an exam when I didn't
what scene from a stephen king book grossed you out the most??
What’s your Stephen King unpopular opinion ?
“Fear gripped his bowels…”
People dismissing your opinion because of your age
People who say “in my country” without specifying WHAT location!
Just finished the Long Walk last night... Spoilers of ending in post
Suits should be required in an office
why is The Gunslinger so polarizing?
Why so much hate for Bill Hodges trilogy?
if you had to pick an all time favorite stephen king character, who would it be and why??
What book did you stop reading and never went back to finish? Why?
Chopsticks Are Unnecessary and Pointless.
Has Stephen King ever written a less likable character than Harold Lauder?
Just read “The Running Man” and I am furious…
“You don’t need all that makeup!” Or “you’re so much prettier without it!”
This classic 35-year-old point and click horror is back from the dead, remade by the same solo dev that created it
I'm reading this in high school and I have to read it in front of my entire class
What's the worst horror book you've ever read?
The New "Smiley" Novel
The ending to Pet Sematary...boy, I have feelings.
People that say minorities can't be racist towards white people
Oh yeah, Stephen King was DEFINITELY high when he wrote IT