How do you guys see people that are like 400m away and hit them
In-game chat xbox astro20s
What's the longest time you've played one game continuously, and which one?
How did everyone do in Phase 1?
My voice chat will not work on Xbox. Help please?
McDermott is the guy
Does Mafia give this guy enough credit ya think?
gold buying banwave going out
Yeah so that’s a lie
How does a human warrior have Sulfuras and night elf epic mount when we're only one month in?
What level are you guys sitting at a month into the game? What realm do you play on?
Fresh Hype Fresh Hype
So this just happened...
Killing animals vs Questing
Just got to lvl 10
Stop being unnecessary.
Considering a Return to WoW After 12 Years: Looking for Player Insights
where is my tank privilege?
Man, what have we become!?
How are new people supposed to learn this game?
I never played classic, so....what was it like? Too realistic
A church tried to get our school board to ban LGBT books. Hundreds came to tell them to fuck off.
What Do You Do In Your Lulls?
If N'zoth and nightmares returns....
Unholy DK