Elon Musk and his family flying Air Force One, just like a President would do.
Is it true there won’t be layered weapon skins in the full game?
Are you enjoying the new Handler?
Do artian weapons have elements?
What went wrong for Dragons Dogma 2?
Veteran hunters, what do you guys think about the Artian weapons from Wilds?
Is it just me or…
Does anybody else HATE Nata?
How to launch games on specific monitors?
New Hunter here. In Wilds, can you turn all armor in to layered armor?
Saw a lot of posts saying their goodbyes to MHW. Meanwhile Im here still stay since Im too broke for Wilds lmao. Just wanna remind hunters that fivers are still here! Don't be shy and fire those SOS flares whenever you need a hunting partner!
Buggy audio in cutscenes?
No one responding to S.O.S?
Found my endgame drip.
"Why do men"
Is Papa Meat natty?
What other music bots other than Green Bot?
Good MR set for Greatsword.
What do people mean by ‘Open Zone’?
How the hell do you beat Ruiner Nergi in MHW solo?
Kevlar farm?
Young people don't need to sit down?
How do you expect the story to end?
In your opinion, what is your favorite Joji clip on YouTube ?
Furniture not respawning in portal worlds anymore?