Stevia is a vasodilator. How did I not know this?
What had you gone up the dosage of Propanolol?
Do benzos help your migraines?
Will my older cat always be mean to my younger one?
I have zero fear of death due to my chronic migraines. Anyone else?
Do people that suffer from migraines also suffer from other things?
How many of you are hyper-mobile?
How bad is your pots?
Can’t get Buoy anywhere?
Finally decided I don’t want kids.
Psychiatrist: "People grow out of Dysautonomia. Because I haven't met a 50yo with Dysautonomia yet."
I was literally crying in the club last week
What's the point of migraine
what's a minor little thing that annoy's you about pots? I'll go first
It is painful reading struggle posts from people who are unmedicated
Adrenaline dump while sleeping that fucks up your entire day????
POTS influencers & filming yourself fainting
What medication do you take for your POTS?
is anyone else with pots completely unable to regulate their temperature?
How many of you are on disability?
Having a bad flare up-anyone have pets to brighten my day with?
Pots & insufferable periods
What do you do when you feel extremely discomforted in your own skin?
I'm ready to get compression socks, what should I get?
got a holter monitor and I can’t remember the last time my heart has behaved this well