Friendly mines need some sorta indicator
With the USF motor pool being such a bad investment right now
QUAD .50 is a meme unit at this point, and needs a SUBSTANTIAL BUFF to be worthwhile
How to communicate with teammates if they blocked chat?
Up until now, I have only been auto-afkin with teammates
neck/throat hitbox will be moved/added to chest hitbox group
Ultra-Light vehicles should NOT be able to break barbed wire
Would the game benefit from a more strict economy?
DAK has generally been OP since launch and USF nerfed to death (team games)
Is the US motor pool ever going to get a rework?
Peak Realism
Something I've noticed after 300+ hours
I think damage caps should be reduced/removed
What gameplay/balance/QoL changes would you make, that aren’t faction specific?
Can someone please explain why the US halftracks die in 2 AT hits but all axis HT die in 3?
I am shocked by how many allied players value VP's over fuel
Allied armor feels too easy to "hard counter" compared to Axis (team games)
Wespe Scatter needs to be looked at.
250 Dak plus autocannon should not be able to transport troops
Quad .50 should be able to EFFECTIVELY damage the L6 tanks
Certain AA Units Can Block Recon Vision
Guy screaming pure hate at me ALL GAME cuz "I let him get 2v1", but then notice the MMR difference between the two teams...
Stated balance aims not achieved in any form
[Discussion] Remove the flea the whole wipe
Wespe need to be locked until a hotfix