If just anyone could look up the top 10 for wellston then why didn't anyone use that as proof for john not being powerless
Would anyone be interested in an unOrdinary TCG?
How many monsters do you consume per day and how old are you?
…Did FOB just confirm the second leg of Tourdust????
What's the WORST monster you've tried?
Dang, the filter made me handsome. Also interesting how it gave me different hair colors based on what I'm wearing
Misheard Lyrics
What is your favorite bridge from them?
AITA for telling my friend that she shouldn't wear a bikini to the pool?
Are these the same?
Reckoners spoiler question
Asking as somebody who's only read The Reckoners, is it the least favourite of Sanderson's works among fans?
Are the boys friends?
A Fall Out Boy focused reading library.
It's funny how the best FOB album and song both start with the letter F
W.A.M.S Freckle
More standouts from "Where Are Your Boys Tonight?"
Why is Monster being banned?
What ya snatchin?
Were your teenage years really the "best years of your life" like it's hyped up to be? Does life get better or worse after teenage-hood?
Am I biased, or should Patrick absolutely be on this list?
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
I have good news (maybe)
What is the longest you’ve gone without masturbating and why?