Talk me out of buying a 100 inch TCL
What to hang over the bed?
Which body type is more attractive in women? (In general vs social media)
Trying to get used to the bald head. 2 weeks in, shaved twice. Now or before is better?
time? Be kind - I am 73
Seeing this everytime I walk into target for weeks is beyond frustrating.
31M. Too plain?
My old English sheep dog is crazy I need assistance.
McDonalds No Longer Offering Free Refills
CPU Pokémon Cards
What would you call this?
Giving away two Costco Scarlet & Violet 151 Blooming Waters Premium Collection sets to two redditors because %*#@ scalpers
I got a good deal on the 9, and a week later I pull one of my own😂
Pokémon jobs
Should I paint it like 1 or 2?
Caught my Target's restock
Did I make a mistake?
As advised I shaved it off
Thanksgiving shoppers are Wilding out there.
Me at 29 vs me at 39 (3 yrs on T)
TaKe mY PiCtuRe iDk...
Venice Sports Cards and Collectibles owner buying all the Target stock.
What's one card you were saving up money for, but will never be able to buy because the price keeps going up and up for literally zero reason whatsoever
Did I inject the right spot?
ICE (La Migra) Mass Deportations have started in DFW