Help identifying this song please
Tellus/Shrek Rave tix at door?
Getting weird text from the bassist again
Please, for the love of God, use your ultimates.
No junk buff
Next time you log on, please be kind.
Mid Season Patch.
Asked her nicely to smile for a pic while at the vet- she served me the mug instead
I'm so tired of feeling like I'm walking on a fucking landmine when I get home after school.
New mei skin shown by the devs on twitter seems a little weird. Is this gonna be the next season's theme?
Natural Gas folks- who do you use for utilities?
Music preference while playing?
I love Acid Bath, I got their logo tattoo'd on me but parents keep giving me weird looks??? I thought old people liked metal now
I once missed my mark soooooo bad, I wound up with Skin Lamp.
timothee chalamet as Hendrix n new biopic
Degenerate whackjob looks to eat squirrel food, gain weight, further the cause of evil
Weird In-Home Squirrel Service Flyer, spotted on crosswalk button near Seattle Center
OP doesn't understand that this is barely enough to last the one day
The day before a one-day snowpocalypse in Atlanta.
Post got taken down on r/Emo in five minutes AMA
My first catch & release
Tony's chocoloney- is it worth the price?
« Reminds me of my Swordfish… »
Why is qp so bad?
Wondering where to practice playing new hero’s?
TIL Mad Pierrot is also a Yellow Magic Orchestra song
Bartender Sasha makes a mean Mancattan