DD starting the night off strong with this banger of an offer
Movies in the last 20 years that went underappreciated or flew under the radar
What are some good older movies that someone in their 20s probably hasn’t watched yet?
Looking for a good sitcom
What are some good to-go restaurants?
What are some good older movies that a 25 year old probably hasn’t seen before?
Why does someone telling me to do something I was already planning on doing make me not want to do it?
$4 worth of onion rings at Jack-in-the-Box
I went off my meds about four months ago, and I haven’t told anyone.
Has Steph Curry already cemented his place in the goat conversation?
What is the most ridiculous story someone ever told you with a straight face?
What do you do when your tank leaves?
What's the family legend that you hope is true?
Former prisoners of Reddit, what would you have to get in return for you to go back for five years?
Is there a way to see when I got the one star rating and why I got it?
Former prisoners of Reddit, how much money would have to be waiting on the outside for you to go back for five years?
Does it matter if marijuana shows up on a preemployment drug test in a state where marijuana is legal?
Americans, what was the biggest difference that surprised you when moving from one state to another?
Kansas City D&D New players welcome
Best place to sell CS 2 items
Are cash tips common when they don’t tip in the app?
Conspiracy theory: DoorDash rewards you for taking low paying offers
Anybody still making money?
Believe it or not it was actually meant for apt 7
Least favorite chains?