I think the shorts are in the wash?
I’m sorry but what? You could see the hurt in Taylor’s eyes
It’s not a wonder this dude ghosted her in Texas lol
I do not like luke
Unpopular Opinion (?)
So they definitely lurk on Reddit lol
Ambers on TikTok Live. She’s talking about how MTV is being messy and mtv is lying. But they are dropping her. But she quit first.
Furry Friends Friday!
Another neck and neck but April coming out as angriest. LAST ONE! Who qualifies as ewww you nasty? Rule recap below, make sure it counts!
Jenelle has been quiet the past few days. Taking bets on when she will find her next soul mate. I say two months until she unveils her next one day one being the day August took his stuff from her house.
What Show Would You Say Is Better Than Gilmore Girls?
Tyler admits they don't have an enforceable contract
It’s crazy how much stuff they’ll change and edit
Tyler’s responses to ppl on Instagram
The Wheelers
Just finished Season 5 - rant about the men
Now I understand why Dexter fans hate “You”
Was clay or jax a better club president?
Throwback to Adam getting Aubrey a mini motorcycle for her 3rd birthday
How are these men able to 'complete' the ceremony?
Aged like milk 🥛
June Season 5
In episode 4 of season 3 entitled "God bless the child. "right after aunt Lydia Beats Janine in front of everybody one thing I don't understand is...
What were moments when you felt Lorelai overstepped her bounds?