Sharing some pages from my comic book
Pages 8-10 of Solange: City of secrets.
Looking for new artist to work with after first chapter releases tomorrow!
If your world had a theme song (as in a irl song), what would it be?
How many working titles do you usually have going?
Pages 5-7 of Solange, City of Secrets.
Who is your favorite character, from any book, ever? I'll go first:
Used to read so many webtoons, now that I’m a little older I got away from them, but I want to get back into them, I feel so left out not knowing what I should start on to get back in, suggestions?
What's your reason for writing?
What are the best ongoing books releasing currently that everyone should have on their pull list?
Why do you think some people who are into manga have so much trouble getting into comics?
So true(. How do you guys plan to promote yourself after publishing?
Pages 2-4 of our webtoon releasing this Saturday!
female MC recs!
What are your Top 5 favorite series that are currently coming out?
Page 1 of Solange City Of Secrets, Chapter 1 releases Jan 18th
Page 1 of Solange, city of secrets. Chapter 1 releases Jan 18th!
Hi ,so, I Finished a comic but tbh idk where to post it. you read on wetoon or tapas? globalcomix?
Page 1 of Solange City Of Secrets, Chapter 1 releases Jan 18th (thank you comic collabs you’ve helped me make my dream come true).