Gun wall
What y’all think for my first airsoft kit?
What do you guys think about my first AR-15 build
Here gun.
The kit on.. thoughts?
What happens to our game copy if UBI shuts down?
Rate my gun
Testing as winter loadout
Muay Thai oil on canvas
HK Slap Wednesday - Which gun of yours is also slappable?
I have a type…
FSB plainclothes kit.
custom ghk sg553
Rattlecanned my gun
Perfectly balanced…
Brekky at work
CM Plate Carrier & Belt update
[WTS] AK spare parts & Walker Razor Slims
Thanks to the power of warden studio and tactical Santa I now have the coolest pair of razors in the sub
If you could go back to the period between 2005 and 2015, what’s one trend, song, movie, or person you’d love to experience or meet again, and why?
[PISTOL] AP5 LT/T94 Pistol - $849.99 + s/h
Another successful can job
my fullauto B&T MP9
Rattlecanned the airsoft gun