Do you think Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is going to be the best RPG of 2025?
I watched a lot of benchmarks and can't believe we are getting optimized adequate game from the get go in 2025, it's amazing
Didn’t know Narva was a real map
The absolute state of OWI games. What should they do to revive their Dying/Dead games?
What's your best bet for release date?
They did it! They explained what a gambit is ingame!
Shit talk do nothings...
Looking to be more useful in a gun fight.
Narva is the prefect size of map with good balance of combat distance.
Is this just how it is? or is my performance just chalked?
And That's Why You Don't Pick Armored Faction In Fallujah
Saving isn't and/or never was a problem in KCD. Prove me wrong.
The good ole days
Cross-device options?
Commander dynamics
Me looking at the armour debate:
Suggest: Arc + Knives Synergy
There, Fixed it...
Someone stop him 😭
SL quality
Have you ever noticed...
FIA for Spa be like
Other divers: give minigun. Me: can haz flag?
2025 celebrates 10 years of Squad
"nViDIa sCaMmED 4090 BuYErS!"