How old do I look?
plumbers salary?
Help, how to shut off an argument with my friend who is close minded?
I (F18) have a terrible habit towards my bf(M18)
Me and my boyfriend actually met in person
How often do you see your partner?
14f and I’m worried I can’t get a date when I go to high school.
how far are you from each other?
How to improve my makeup? (pics included)
I saw something on my boyfriend’s phone
What was a game-changing thing for your cystic acne?
which style suits me best?
I didn’t consent to anal sex and now I’m not sure if this is assault? (22M) (24F)
Painful deep acne pls help :'(
How to spot treat acne thats right next to the eyes?
What's a word or sentence that a fanbase will instantly recognize?
What color compliments me most?
Back acne. Please help. Any advice is appreciated.