What are the odds I got the Lincoln Memorial in ADW?
White was winning but made a tragic mistake, can you exploit it
What force would it take for Kanye to actually throw a basketball around the earth? [request]
Thinking of applying
If someone walked in on you while you're naked, what would you cover first?
People who aren't religious, what are your beliefs about what happens when someone dies?
Best single player videogame ever?
What is the best response to someone knocking on the public bathroom you’re in?
You can ejaculate any liquid you want to
Three men are on a boat
How’s your life going?
how you doing?
What are the most forgotten but insanely useful websites?
What is the most underrated fast food place?
When did the class clown go too far?
AITAH for not wanting to transfer from my(20M) school to my GF(19F) school
I missed a really good move from this position. Can you spot it? (black to move)
Dear Reddit, is water wet? Like actually though?
What is the dumbest thing to say after sex?
What are you convinced people are just pretending to enjoy?
What's the worst thing you can say in an elevator full of people?
It’s either 1 or 2, right?
What names just scream old person?
Which of the Following would you Rather Do?
WYR become your username or fight your user name?