Sam Harris claims Musk was done with him after Musk was very wrong about 2020
Did you see how aggressive the Rams came out on their first drive?
Bulkhead seat question for long haul?
Strike over?
Frat bro arrested for selling coke, meth and fent out of delta upsilon
Are the Common Sense collections gone?
Science Center is literally garbage anymore.
Ok what’s going around now? The Flu from h3ll? Ugh
Biden authorizes Ukraine to use US long range weapons in Russia.
Bobby's fingerprints ALL over this - Trump: "This is how I will shatter the deep state and restore government that is controlled by the people and for the people."
Given their obvious wealth, is it wrong for Mark/Joe to accept chipotle gift cards from fans?
How many times can a flight be delayed?
Musk Is Going All In to Elect Trump (Musk has an office in Pittsburgh as his war room...)
Game Thread: Dallas Cowboys (2-2) at Pittsburgh Steelers (3-1)
Quote received.. jaws dropped
How did he go from saying this three months ago to championing Trump at a Trump rally ? Make it make sense.
$5K to $10M, is it realistic?
Toby Deserved Better
Why Won't You Be Upgrading to a Hybrid AWD?
Does anybody remember the name of the store in The Galleria with playhouses and treehouses and stuff?
RFK Jr.: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
“And if I ended this piece right now, it’d honestly be a pretty good ad for RFK Jr.” — @iamjohnoliver @LastWeekTonight We agree 😬
Bobby gets a surprise endorsement!
GOP-funded PAC targeting Pennsylvania addresses. Attempting to sway Democrats.
Shawn Ryan is now talking openly about sedition and civil war in the United States.