When will she go home?
getting worse?
Is Psoriasis something truly permanent? Or are there phases of remission?
I’m at a loss. I’m so tired of this nothing helps it’s just taking over my body/scalp. And I have tried all the ointments etc 😭
need a root canal
dental in algodones experience
Has anyone been to Los Algodones for services aside from dental?
Which sitcom(over 1 season) started and ended GOOD?
how the fuck does he poop so much
hello found a tortoise
advanced parole
Roomate bought a turtle for $20 off street :( What type is it ?
Vacation advise request
hello can anyone help me
no mailbox no key
received a text saying we have taken action on your case ….
remembering the day he was gifted to us.
Our experience traveling with Advance Parole
Traveling using Advance Parole
boy or girl
weight limit on carry on??
Thank god