YSK: Scaling of Numbers
Sitting at the top of a waterfall
Looking for marine model - can trade lion around or howly cubs
Who got a good heart and want to trade I have post it and once upon a time what I need is marine model please
Giving 12 stars for pet Pegasus plox
anybody have any spares?( idm trading)
Looking for Pride Stride
I need these too bad
400 lbs Gorilla
Training Slayer
Account Goals? What Bosses Can I Do? What Should I be Focusing On?
believe it or not but these drops were b2b2b2
Need more to do
I think there's a typo on the wiki; it says that the drop rate of Basilisk Jaws is 1/1000?
Completed DS2 & decided to learn Vorkath.. The luckiest I've ever been
The required Rangers pic. Became a member today.
Might of been a little bit off on the calc there chaps
5 bottomless buckets at 28 kc
First Zulrah Kill!
And that's the end of that master clue
Easy Basic Quests?
Why can't I kill Zulrah? Help Plz
Any advice for a noob?
I suddenly don't mind doing Demonic Gorillas on mobile