Is Death House good for a level 5 one shot
AIO My bf hurt me then apologising and promising not to do it again?
Not up to us to teach children how to use books, say almost half of parents
Have you ever given a second chance early on in a relationship?
Why are more and more young men becoming more right wing?
My boyfriend finds it annoying that I go to gym at 5:30am and go to sleep early at night
Wife Cheated
What character build will you do if you have rolled stats like this
Why Dungeons & Dragons Keeps Missing the Mark with Rangers
In your humble mortal opinion, what's the best thing about DM?
Watched "The Yellow Submarine" on Donny the dealer's suggestion.
How do I write a good hero?
Shoplifters 'out of control' and becoming more brazen, say retailers
How much did the Welsh contribute to British imperialism and American slavery? I know the English contributed the most, but what about the Welsh?
I am looking for other shows similar to GOT
Never Split the Party
Am I taking too long in progressing through the game?
Making a Deal With Zariel
First time seeing this trait, is it possible to give it to my ward?
Questions for DMs about killing a party member
Dragon of The Icepire Peak, should i include feats?
[ART] Chasme, Demon fly of the Abyss (Reimagined)
Am I being a bad DM for doing this?
Why did the show simplify Northern, Ironborn, or Dornish politics so much?
17 year old ruler imprisoned his 6 year old brother who rebelled against him