hello cj's youngest brother here AMA
A Reminder
potential purse scam
Playing with kids emotions
Haleigh taking advantage of a little girl’s emotions
Another Haleigh Story
“Mama’s gonna make all your nightmares come true”
When our trips would get “cancelled”
Shut off email and changed numbers?
I came on here to see who’s watching the new Hulu series on Scamanda and now I’m down another rabbit hole about this other women yall are talking about… Please tell me I’m not the only one 😂
This is just to show just how extremely fake she was!!
Just stringing me along. Haleigh, where is my damage payment for all the shit you put me through?
Now she is returning UNFINISHED items to the WRONG owner!!! It really doesn’t end.
Hope you love your ebike!!!
My Haleigh Story
The story of the traveling nanny
Raise your hand if you were offered a Disney trip from Haleigh
Charlie the Dark Knight