What is your favorite reinhardt skin? Other than the mythic and why?
It's HighNoon Somewhere
Respectable Reaper Ult?
How many copys of Overwatch do yall have?
Is rein terrible in 2025
Reinhardt Crochet!
Chat is this a valid crashout?
Venture wants a kiss, how do you respond
I miss overwatch 1, I miss old Doomfist
Holy shit it's been a wonderful night
My fastest comp round ever!
Finished with the same healing and damage stat for the first time ever
Is this a sign to start playing Reinhardt?
What's the best perks for a Agressive Reinhardt player?
The new UI for the Overwatch update is AMAZING
Poor Reinhardt :(
What’s the first game you guys are grabbing?
Hello Cassidy mains - who are your top 3 hero bans choices
Happy birthday tracer mains (also ihave a question will you guysd be using the perks for her?)
Why do people still get physical Wii games nowadays?
I can't complain, some look hella fine.
Probably the most disrespectful thing I've ever done.
What is the rarest Reinhardt skin?
Who you playing if rein gets banned?