Cars I’d think the characters would drive in 2025
bree’s hairstyles appreciation post
Type “I AM GRANDMA!” With your eye closed.
Bought house last year, just discovered this under a pile of keys
Worst airport in America?
Type the following phrase with your sight organ (both) closed
Type "EMERGENCY FROG SITUATION" while your eye are closed.
I woke up with texts from 20 different numbers saying the exact same thing. I’m so confused…
F, M, K: Housewives Edition
Hey y’all!
What happened to addison rae?
What does my art smell like?
What hobbies to do between 7 pm -12 am after work?
saw this literal rag being sold for $15
What is your "never-again" brand, store, restaurant, or company?
90s cabinets - help!
What are these ribbons on candle for?
A really important question right now
Well I'll just see myself out then...
What Movie Did You Watch that Traumatized You at a Young Age?
My sister just got this tattoo for my dead parents.
Girl names you've never seen in this sub
who do you consider to be a god awful actor?
Spotlight add? But nothing posted to spotlight.
What do I do with this space in bathroom closet?