Does anyone know any good songs that have to do with meth specifically l?
LR 762 vs Frostline
Snipers ranked from best to worst??
Snipers ranked best to worst??
What are the ACTUAL one shot kill ranges on the snipers?
Can’t delete weapon builds
Anyone else getting the random crashes like to the main menu?
Y’all need to try out the r&k multizoom asap!!
Do you use a suppressor in resurgence? Why or why not?
Can’t have an overkill class with a cypher and a gunfighter class with a cypher at same time? Anyone know a fix??
Cant have an overkill class with a cypher and a gunfighter class with a cypher? Can only have one? Anyone know a fix?
For the Katt AMR should I use the stock optic that comes with it or a different optic? Which sniper optic is best?
What is the best gun in Warzone right now? I think it’s the Kompakt 92
What’s the best sniper rn in Warzone?
Which barrel should I be using on my Ames? Gain twist or reinforced?
Get 5 hipfire kills camo challenge, can you hipfire once you’ve downed them, or do you have to hipfire the whole time?
Get 5 hipfire kills camo challenge, do you have to down them in hipfire or can you down them while ADS and then hipfire once they’re down?
Will they take away my friends splits for being suicidal
Is it possible..?
19 years old heavily addicted to opiods.
C9 or KSV?