Mel Gibson: Evolution Is Fake, Bible is “Verifiable History”.
3 day limitation on offline mode is unacceptable.
Why are you guys always so angry?
Misplaced Priorities Exposed...
Professor Dave - dishonest and disingenuous.
End the Fed
Question for Atheists: Do you view an appeal to incredulity as a fallacy or do you not?
Mexico: There is so much land beyond the map. Why?
No I don't think I will
Cognitive Dissonance Trigger Warning
Why do I believe Flat Earth:
Thanks leftists!!
If not gravity, what causes g-force? Roller coasters, jet ,walking/running, riding a bike fast around a tight corner. If not gravity, what causes the g-force in all of those activities?
what's with people just giving up immediately in multiplayer games these days?
Should this not be a perfect grid????
Gnostic Atheist here for debate: Does god exist?
What power cable is needed for this?
As an atheist, how do you deal with the knowledge of your own death
All philosophical positions, outside of belief in God, are contradictory,
Rant- “VR is trash because it’s not realistic yet”
Are trump supporters actually mad about the H1b visa situation or is this blown out of proportion?
Let's here them! I'll go first.
How can intelligent design come from nothing?
Amazed that there are still people out there that think increasing taxes can solve the debt issue, when, even at 100%, it doesn't. The US has a spending issue, not a tax issue.