Associates, volume aside, do you feel empowered/supported/able to do the work you’re assigned?
Seniors: how do you motivate juniors to take ownership?
How many days should I expect to need/want to work from home after a MA?
My thoughts on the wintry ballroom banquet table (this month's dresser)
Am I the only one who thought there was a little birb trapped behind the tablecloth? 😆
I don’t like finishing goals while my bird is adventuring.
Giving away Themis bar prep books - pay for shipping and they’re yours
Horizontal/vertical priv
What is everyone's brain food breakfast and/or lunch plans for exam days?
Wym by “take your time/don’t rush through” when we have less than 2 minutes per question
Anyone else struggling to keep studying?
Only clear plastic water bottles allowed and they absolutely cannot go on the desk, floor only
Anyone know if UWorld multiple choice answers are updated when the law changes?
Don’t even want to get out of bed
Those that use to-do list, what do you use them for?
Webpage panel is caching. How do I get it not to do that?
Webpage card, content doesnt refresh?
Taking my MPRE in August
Lexis rewards
Bird of Paradise Linen Dress
The Supreme Court strips the SEC of a critical enforcement tool in fraud cases
How the fuck are you supposed to choose between two answers that are both necessary conditions for the thing
Evidence essays
No consideration as a defense vs debt of another
Themis Essay “Grader”