If Russia becomes Red or if it just prosecutes the NatPops Savinkov should flee to Argentina
Luxembourg saves Europe from itself
Path Suggestion for Japan: Edo II
NatPop Papua New Guinea is led by a cargo cult
Went into Bohemia blind, why can you do this?
Pirates turn Horthy Italian
Pirates of the Mekong: Curse of the Con Rit
Noob Question
In the future, there will be no Russians
"You bloody Russian!, You have become a virtual Genghis Khan?!"
Every tag a Mao Zedong #2: MaoGan Insurgency (L-KMT)
The Black Pharoah spreads the light of Afrofuturism
Good South American Paths
What are the leftist nations that can form an alternative to the Third Internationale?
Most cultish path
Eastern Europe free of statist tyranny
What path commits the most atrocities?
Every tag a Mao Zedong #1: Hunan Clique [RD]
Every Chinese dynasty in KX
From Ukraine to the Sorbs, Slavs are united under alcoholism. Many such cases!
Was wrapping up my WC when i noticed something ...
Our great lesbian Queen-King-Emperor Elizabeth II forms the Imperial Federation
Newfoundland Uprising
huge if real
Pouty Hungarian man reclaims his lost Soviet Republic