"You've been hacked" email
Kettle starts rusting once I began boiling water
I've finally met someone who honestly loves me!!!
Advice to twin flames that feel heartbroken.
Therapist told me expecting reciprocity in a friendship is selfish
I don't understand how therapy can help anyone
How to Process the Fact that people who hurt you were once people who loved you?
I hate my father so much but I can't help but love him deep down
How to Properly Wash Vans without Damaging its Color
when I describe my ideal type to someone and they ask „do you want a partner or a dad?“
Maternal/ Erotic Transference
Getting Fired One Month In
Before and after big 4
[deleted by user]
Traumatized as an intern; Any help/advice/encouragement is appreciated to help me move on with career.