If you had as many babies as women you’ve hit raw. How many babies would you have?
Whats your most shallow dating requirement?
Kinda tired of the sexism :(
Seriously why does her Ult suck this bad?
What would you do if at this moment you received a message from your ex telling you that he/she misses you?
How successful have you been in chasing a woman who isn't interested at first and winning her heart over?
[17 F] how to improve to be more confident?
AIO: best friend sleeps with ex
AIO does this guy want more than friendship, do y’all see any red flags?
AIO - sent this to my gf after she hung up on me
Matched with one, didn’t respond on my 6min drive home from the grocery store…
For those interested, this letter to my GP was uploaded to the NHS app
Made a mistake today...
I’m obsessed
When you think you can't tell you've lost weight...
traumatizing guys, one match at a time
My (23M) girlfriend (21F) likes male attention and ends with worse. Any advice how to move forward?
What is the creepiest thing a woman did to show interest in you?
Stick with it. Munjaro works
Who is that one celebrity you'd want to sleep with?
Can I.... can I finally see a difference with my own eyes??
I feel too fat and ugly to date
4 months in progress pics
What ruined dating for you?
Question for men with female significant others