trade anyone??
which card should i pick? which golden blitzes are coming up that i should wait to trade the card? thanks for the advice!
trades anyone?
Question: Can I trade a gold card during the blitz with a non-gold card, if i’mout of trades for the day?
Album Carry GIVEAWAY (Read Description)
even trade anyone??
trading my first born child for julebord or going nuts. lmk
15 stars each
Have > Need
LF Weeks Later
Have vs need
15 for any of these
Hoping to find !!
even trade!
trying to trade for my last 3 ⭐️ that i need!
trades for blitz and curtain call
trading for my last 4 star i need!
trading my 2 socks for these last 2!
LF Tycoon Tie, have some other 3 stars
trades please