My fungal acne won’t go away
Do abusers and stalkers ever change?
Husband cheated. Feeling low. Help me feel better. [Female]
What kind of acne is this? Is it fungal? Is it closed commandoes?
I was told to post here for a profile review. Don’t know what to expect, but here it goes.
Can anyone help me identify whats going on with my skin?
Why are my teeth this color in the back?
My boyfriend referred to himself as a high value man and said he deserved better, then dumped me.
Type 3 Nose Thickening HELP!
I genuinely have a problem
Loving texts
He keeps cheating
I wish I could marry him. If I don’t, I am convinced this life isn’t worth living.
How do I reply to this?
This is why i want to take every man's purity.
I’m ready for a change but can’t make up my mind. What color is the best?
Why is my abusive partner telling me I'm being dramatic when I say I want to leave because of the abuse?
Fungal acne or acne?
When he doesn’t initiate cuddling
Gender Disappoint, How do i deal with it? Help please.
my girlfriend has a big hand fetish
Do LED face masks work?
I can’t get over this man
I am tired of being single
My husband drove off and left me to chase him in the cold, pregnant, with no shoes and no clothing except a coat. He did this because I told him it hurts me when he gaslights me. Why would he do that?