Is there anyVictoria 3 YouTuber who's not a clickbaiter?
Moonpie clapback
Buying AOW4 on Steam
I'm not nearly as experienced as some of the players here, but this is my first try at "modern design"
chill ahhh still I took
Do you think Mass Effect would've been called woke if it came out today?
A quin videojoc esteu jugant?
Is it legal for me to swim this distance and snorkel in these islands?
Love this game but the combined fleet power victory condition has got to go.
What is a "Main Bus"?
Long term investment
Trying to download multiplayer dlc (me3 2012)
Now with the steam sale
My relationship to Mass Effect
Never seen this kind of bug before, what is it? (Found in Mediterranean northern Spain)
Are there any examples of Turian architecture in the games other than the FOBs in Mass Effect 3 and their ship designs?
Liara or Miranda romance in mass effect 3?
What you’re all witnessing here is burnout. This is a symptom of the state of the game.
My biggest city!
I’ve never not opened Grunt’s Tank. Does he show up in ME3 as an enemy like Morinth or Jack?
How do I get treasures? I have 8 reliquaries.